Indoor Skydiving, anyways. We went (AGAIN!) to SkyVenture in Orlando while spending another weekend at the lake house. We purchased our tickets so I, J, Colin (who has
flown before) and
Nicholas could fly (as well as Colin's friend Thomas) and then Ryan said "I want to fly!" "I want an armband so I can fly" (they give you an armband to signify that you've paid).
So we got him an armband (they were kind enough to let us pay afterwards in case he didn't fly). We had tried this once before and Ryan bailed when getting dressed and putting in his earplugs.
Well, this time he didn't complain, put on the suit, the earplugs, the goggles and the helmet.
We had Ryan go first (so he wouldn't have time to get scared) and he did AWESOME! Here are a few pics of his first jump. (SkyVentures didn't get the video onto the DVD - the guy forgot to press the Record button when our class started... sigh.)

Nick Scott-Tomlin, our instructor, started Ryan by having Ryan hold his arms like a bicycle. Then he moved to holding Ryan's hands while facing him, and then actually got Ryan skydiving ALL BY HIMSELF. We saw him simply popping Ryan up from his belly like trying to keep a balloon from falling on the floor. It was a thrilling experience. One we'll never forget!
Then Ryan went back in for his second jump. He did just as well. This one we have the video (the video of our class started just after Ryan's jump so we were fortunate to get this one). Be sure to see how cute he looks walking up to the tunnel and how he gives the instructor a high-five (oh so cute!)
Ryan got a bit scared at around 40 seconds and Nick pulled him out. When I asked him was he scared, Ryan told me "I was flying and then I got scared so I said 'Guy - I want to stop' and he put me down."
When asked does he want to go indoor skydiving again, Ryan responds "No - I just want to watch." Someday he'll do it again, as J and I are hooked and are working on our Flyer 1 certifications with the International Bodyflight Association.